
Trenerica Davida Beckhama otkrila tri neizostavne vježbe za savršenu stražnjicu

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Trenerica Davida Beckhama otkrila tri neizostavne vježbe za savršenu stražnjicu

Australska trenerica Shona Vertue koja je trenirala i Davida Beckhama tvrdi da svi koji žele savršenu stražnjicu moraju raditi tri vježbe.

Vertue je upozorila da će mišići tijekom izolacije nestati ako na njima ne radite.

“To neće imati samo negativne posljedice na vaš izgled nego i na kukove, leđa i koljena”, tvrdi i zbog toga poziva ljude da se ne zapuste, već da svakodnevno odrade kraći trening za koji je potrebna samo elastična traka čija je cijena 30-ak kuna i dobra volja.

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Track your weight | ⁣ ⁣ Now - before y’all troll me, I’m talking about the weight lifted, not bodyweight lost or gained (although for certain types of Athletes and in medical conditions weighing the body is important so y’all shouldn’t be trolling anyway - the world is grey not black and white remember).⁣ ⁣ In addition to tracking weight lifted, I’d also track reps performed, HR and any other data that you can in order to see your training progressions - why?⁣ ⁣ The results you want are known as Adaptations. Adaptations occur (we hope) as a response to the imposed demands (aka. Stress) you place on your body. However sometimes the results we want are based on long term effects of training - the body types that people want to achieve can take years to develop. ⁣ ⁣ So how do we a. Stay motivated and b. Know if we’re progressing if all we’re looking at are results/adaptations that can take years.⁣ ⁣ a. I’ve talked about this, don’t rely on the feeling of excited motivation. Excited Motivation is a bonus, what will keep you consistent is discipline and self-respect.⁣ ⁣ b. We track other adaptations rather than just the usual ‘aesthetic’ ones that we see plastered all over the inter webs. The weight you lifted, the reps you performed, the time it took for your HR to recover, the distance you travelled, your morning HRV. Etc etc.⁣ ⁣ All of these are providing you with important data that says; hey, you’re on the right track or hey, we aren’t progressing, are we eating enough? Resting enough? Working hard enough?⁣ ⁣ Of course I want you to exercise for the feeling you get too - it’s not ALWAYS about RESULTS RESULTS RESULTS. Sometimes we exercise purely because it’s going to make us feel better - but if you’re having one of those lulls in motivation because you feel hopeless about a lack of desired results, re-read what I’ve just written and consider where you could data collect in a more psychologically pleasing manner. ⁣ ⁣ Mkay that’s all.⁣ ⁣ Yes, my elbows hyperextend. I like it. It gives me .5 more seconds to escape an armbar. #vertuemethod #vertuecrew

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“Ove jednostavne vježbe mogu biti dio zagrijavanja, a možete ih napraviti na kraju treninga ili poslije trčanja”, pojasnila je pa dodala da ona obično odradi dva do tri seta s 20-ak ponavljanja.

Prva vježba je čučanj uz elastičnu traku postavljenu ispod koljena.

“Kad napravite 20 čučnjeva, podignite traku iznad koljena, sjednite na kauč, ruke postavite iznad glave pa širenjem nogu prema van razvlačite traku i tako jačajte gluteus”, objasnila je drugu vježbu.

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MORE BUTT STUFF | Just a friendly reminder that if you don’t use it, you lose it. And the problem with losing gluteals is that it can impact hip, back and knee health.⁣ ⁣ I’m sure you’ve seen a gazillion videos like this in your feed (or perhaps I just live in an echo chamber of butt workouts), however I just wanted to prompt you towards working that Glute family at some point today (and continuously throughout your weekend, (weeks and the rest of your life).⁣ ⁣ These simple banded exercises can be practiced as part of a warm up or at the end of a workout, or run. ⁣ ⁣ If you want to understand how to execute them properly check out my YouTube channel, there are so many videos using bands.⁣ ⁣ How many reps and sets? ⁣ ⁣ It depends, however I would usually move towards a higher rep range (20+) with a lower amount sets, usually between 2-3. ⁣ ⁣ Again it depends on the context and provided there are no contraindications. ⁣ ⁣ Ps. Yes, the couch has wheels. How else you think I’m gonna get myself a shnack from the fridge without having to get up?

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Za kraj, stanite desnom nogom na jedan kraj trake, a rukama primite drugi. Povlačeći traku dižite se u uspravan položaj, a lijevom nogom pratite kretanje. Potom ponovite vježbu 20 puta s drugom nogom.
